Tuesday 1 December 2015


Everyone loves to own a car and drive to work daily but sadly enough, this is not usually the case. We all want to arrive at work looking spick and span with nothing out of place. However, whether you like it or not we all have to use the public transport one time or the other.

Now if you are sweaty and have to use the public transport which in most cases is packed with a mass of humanity, then this post would be useful to you. If on the other hand you know someone who sweats a lot, you could also help him or her with what you learn here.

The human body uses sweat as a way of cooling itself and maintaining a normal body temperature. How you sweat is a function of your sex as research have discovered that men sweat more than women even though women have more sweat glands than men. It was discovered that men's sweat glands are more active than that of women.

Sweating in a public bus, train or aircraft is as a result of how anxious you are feeling. It is not everyone that is comfortable in a crowdy environment. Some people get very anxious and as a result begin to sweat. The level of your anxiety will determine the level or amount of sweat you produce.

So, what do you do if you find yourself in such a situation? The trick is to be composed irrespective of wherever you are. Anxiety can make you look like someone who lacks confidence and is unsure of his or herself. Another trick is to connect socially with the people you are sitting with by being friendly. A simple hello and how was your night will help break any tension that could easily lead to feelings of anxiety.

Another trick is to watch your weight. Over-weight people tend to sweat more easily than those who have a normal weight. A regular 30 minute exercise before preparing for work would be a good first step in checking excess weight in the body. Another thing to do is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle as much as possible.

A good book or a walkman could help break the boredom of just sitting in the bus and staring into space. Get a nice collection of your favourite songs and listen to then to help you burn away the miles while you sit in the bus.

If it is possible, try not to stare at people. There are people who regard staring as an aggressive gesture and therefore would get nasty if stared at.  Maintain a good and friendly eye contact but by all means, do not stare at people.

I hope this article helps you the next time you find yourself in a public bus. Stay fit!

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