Tuesday 1 December 2015


You know, how some weekend just comes and disappears. Before you even know it, it is Monday and you have nothing to wear. How do you keep up your amazing look in a new work week when your dry cleaner has not returned your cloths or when you were too busy having fun with friends over the weekend and totally forgot to do the laundry?

For some people, the art of looking good at a moments notice is very easy. Once they get into their wardrobe, there would always be something for them to wear. They don't find it difficult selecting a good outfit . However some people are not so lucky. Just the thought of what to wear gives them nightmares and make them break out in sweat.

Looking good shouldn't be a big deal. All it takes is to have a little of everything. Make it a habit of buying cloths for a rainy day. These cloths come in handy in any emergency. Don't wait till there's an event before you start panicking about what to wear. Invest a part of your income on some comfortable shirts and skirts or pant trousers for the guys. 

Get as many as you can afford and just store them in your wardrobe. For the guys, a nice pair of black and brown Italian shoes is a life saver any day. However, make sure you buy stuffs for your wardrobe as often as possible.

Having lots of clothes though is not enough. You should also have a good knowledge of how to combine clothes. Dress sense means knowing what goes with what. If you know how to match colours plus a nose for what to wear, you would never find yourself panicking in any emergency. 

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that you should never be afraid to ask for help. We all get stuck every now and then. So if you find yourself stuck on what to wear, by all means ask someone for help. This would save you a lot of trouble and prevent you looking out of place in the office or any social event.

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