Thursday 3 December 2015

Photo credit: Shoprite Nigeria.
What are you waiting for? This is the right time to do that Christmas shopping before the rush sets in and prices gets to the sky. Take advantage of the many discounts available this season on different brands and give your family the treat they deserve.

Photo credit: Shoprite Nigeria

Or wait a minute! Don't tell me you are one of those who wait till the end of the month when companies would pay salaries before you start shopping for your family. Oh no! You are one of them! You should have known that by this time prices would have been too high and there would a rush for everything. This is what everybody does and you should not be part of them.

The trick to having the extra money to spend on Christmas purchases is to starts saving something for Christmas before December. Make a resolution that you would save a certain amount of money every monthly for Christmas. By December, you would be surprised at how much is in your bank account and when you start shopping by the first or second week of December, your friends would start wondering what planet you are from. However, don't mind them because would surely be envying you for your decision. 

A word they say is enough for the wise.

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