Wednesday 2 December 2015


The skin apart from being the largest organ of the human body, is also one organ that is more visible than any other organ in the body. So the moment your skin is not looking good, everyone notices. What then is the most natural way to getting a glowing skin? The answer is simply drinking water, and lots of it on a daily basis.

Sounds surprising isn't it. I hope not. Over the years, a lot of debate have arisen as to whether water does help the body or not. Today, we know for a fact that drinking eight (8) glasses of water a day helps the skin to rid itself of toxins. The fact is, water is not just good for your skin alone but it is also good for your overall health.

Water aids in digestion, circulation, food and mineral absorption and in the excretion of waste. It has also been reported that water helps eliminate wrinkles in the body giving your skin a fine, radiant and supple look. How does water eliminate wrinkles you may be wondering?

The human skin pimarily is made of cells and since cells consist mostly of water, a good daily supply keeps them healthy and functioning at optimal capacity. Dehydration on the hand causes them to shrink and invariably shrink your skin.

So, next time you feel like having a glass of water, do not hesitate to drink to your satisfaction.   

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