Monday 30 November 2015

                            HOW TO DRESS FOR A PRESENTATION

There is a popular saying that people will address you the way you are dressed. This saying is no truer than in a presentation. Presentations are not fashion shows and nobody cares if you are wearing the latest Vasace or Armani suit, what matters is how comfortable you are in whatever you are wearing and the choice of material.

There are certain rules you must follow to have an outstanding presentation. Below are some tips to guide in your next presentation.

Firstly, have a good handle on what you would be talking about. Irrespective of what you wearing, if you do not an excellent knowledge of what you are talking about, what you wear to a presentation does not matter. So, try as much as possible to be an expert in whatever you choose to talk about

Secondly, pay attention to details. You don want to be in the middle of a presentation only for someone to draw your attention to a button that has come undone or a shirt that is out of place. Nothing destroys ones confidence like something like that. You should go into a presentation fully prepared.

Thirdly, be comfortable. Whatever you choose to wear should be of the right size and not be too tight for your comfort. A torn skirt or trouser pant is a no-no in any presentation. Your shoes should be well polished and be of the right colour.

For men, a pair of blue or black suit should suffice in addition to a nice pair of shoes. Do not use socks whose colours are not in sync with what you are wearing. Keep ornaments to a bare minimum and do not wear an outrageous hair cut to a presentation. 

Ladies should avoid anything too tight and ensure that their make-up is as simple as possible. High heels are allowed but they should make you walk comfortably. Imagine falling flat on your face when you are called to speak because your heels are too uncomfortable to walk with.

In whatever you do however, let moderation be your watchword. Now, go knock them dead! 

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