Friday 27 November 2015


When  you are an employee, Fridays are usually the best days of the week. This is so because a  Friday is the beginning of the weekend and for some, the time for clubbing, drinking, hanging out with friends  and family and generally having a good time.

In most offices, workers are allowed to come to work in casual wears and are allowed to dress down on this day. It is generally believed that no serious work really happens on a Friday, so everyone is in a relaxed mood and preparing for the weekend.

The question therefore is, what is the best outfit for a day like Friday? Some workers prefer jeans and t-shirts and others just wear a native attire to the office. The native attire could come with a trouser or an English pair of trousers.

Whatever your choice however, the key is to aim for neatness. You should ensure that your jeans are clean and well ironed. If your choice is a native attire, then you should also consider starching them to give them a newer and crispier look.

Your shoes should also be casual as well. Snickers is an all time favourite for Friday workers if there is a term like that. A pair of canvas and loafers will also come in handy with your native attire. This is in addition to your wrist watch and bracelets and other forms of ornaments. For the ladies, a simple make up and jewelry is advisable. This is so because you goal is to look as simple and elegant as possible.

Well, there you have it. Do not however forget to wear your favourite cologne along with whatever you choose to wear for Friday. We don't want to scare people away with a bad odour, do we?

So, enjoy your Friday.

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